Options in filter and map

Published .. 26-06-2024
Type ....... article
Tags ....... v

In V the array.map and array.filter does take Result (return possible error) or Option (returns possible none) types.

// Return Option
fn up(x string) ?string {
    if x=="b" {
        return none
    return x.to_upper()

// return Result
fn up2(x string) !string {
    if x=="b" {
        return error("no b")
    return x.to_upper()

fn main() {

    // you have to unwrap
    c := a.map(fn (i string) string { return up(i) or { "?" }})
    // can be written using magic it variable
    d := a.map(up(it) or { "?" })

    e := a.map(up2(it) or { err.str() })